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labtech China Congress Intro Video

Since 2019, labtech China Congress have been held four sessions. It aims to provide an efficient and high-quality exchange platform for next-generation laboratory design, construction and management. Safety, smart and sustainability are three core concepts.It focus on comprehensive services for the scientific research ecosystem and laboratory lifecycles to create a laboratory exchange ecosystem.

Main forum, parallel sessions, workshops, and laboratory visits, will offer you cutting-edge technology and management insights to help you grasp the pulse of laboratory technology. Over 2,500-square-meter Live Lab allows you to understand advanced laboratory technology applications and truly experience the charm of innovation.

labtech China Congress 2023 Onsite Video

labtech China Congress 2023 and analytica China ended on July 13 at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai), bringing together 1,273 exhibitors and nearly 100 well-known domestic and foreign enterprises and brands to showcase numerous innovative technologies and products in the laboratory design, construction and management exhibition area, laboratory safety exhibition area, and on-site simulation laboratory Live Lab. It attracted 56,864 professional representatives from the laboratory field to participate in the grand event.